Saturday, October 13, 2007

She was a little quiet

Steve and I were busy one night and Kate was in the kitchen creating a masterpiece with fingerpaints on her easel. Little did we know that the masterpiece also included painting her face. She came around the corner saying "look at me"... we had to grab the camera and capture the moment..... Our little creative painter.


Jann Gray said...

Oh my stars....she is sooooo cute -- and funny and precious! Love that face with all that green paint! Want to just squeeze her (guess that means I am getting old...isn't that what "old aunts" do to you?"

Tara said...

So cute! She's looking very happy about her masterpiece.

Terri, thanks so much for your encouraging words. I am so tired of being so scared and depressed, and wish so much to feel better soon.

I have been praying for peace...thanks for helping me through this.

Love you-

seholmOT said...


Yep. I'm sure of it. She looks just like you.

I think it's the green paint.
