Wednesday, November 14, 2007

She is just growing up

Can I say enough, how fortunate I am to have a little one? It seems that each new day brings more things to just smile and laugh about. Just today (as she was home sick) she looked at me and said "santa needs a list and I want lipstick". And then comes up and says "i want to tell you a secret - and for her to whisper, I love you too" WOW!!! Can she be that grown up?? She has now begun to really understand the concept of Santa and all it means... She sees the Toys R Us and Target christmas toy "books" and lets Steve and I know what Santa might want to bring her. I am trying hard to compete with Santa and always remind her that the true meaning of Christmas is because of Jesus and his birth.... We will have another birthday party for Jesus - just to keep the true meaning in Christmas.

What an awesome responsibility we have as parents.... but how scary it all is - trusting and relying purely on God to show us what is right when raising our children - but at the same time giving us just a glimpse of what he feels for us.... Thanks God....

Saturday, November 10, 2007

October Sights

H A L L O W E E N- she had the best time. This year is the first time that she really knew what was going on and how it was about saying "trick or treat" and then getting some goodies. She is not a shy child, even going so far as to ask a woman who was handing out candy at the hospital (the kids at Baylor School for Children - where she goes to school - go to the hospital to go trick or treating) - could she have the small pumpkin that was on top of her computer monitor - which she proceeded to give Kate.

She looked so cute as a flapper. We did trunk or treat at church which these pics are from. She had the best time. It is so much fun to see things through her eyes.

She also got to enjoy some pumpkins. Here she is enjoying time at the arboretum with all the pumpkins.... She looked so cute in her little bluejean jacket.

Hope October found everyone healthy and happy........

Monday, October 22, 2007

My Response to Jann

Here is my response to Jann and Tara you are tagged on this one.

Jobs I've had:
1.lots of fast food places 2. Medical Records Clerk 3. Project Analyst 4. Physical Therapist

Movies I (do) could watch over and over:- I am wierd - just usually watch it once and then not really anymore. But I do LOVE Breakfast at Tiffany's

TV shows I watch:1. Law and Order (all of them...all of the time...any time)2. Friday Night Lights 3. Top Chef 4.Bones 5. "24"

HousePlaces I have lived:1. Valdosta GA(where I was born) 2. Orange Texas for growing up 3. Nacogdoches, TX for college 5. Houston and Little Rock for a short time 6. San Francisco for a Job with EDS. 7. Dallas Texas - and currently still there.

Favorite Foods:1. chip, salsa and ranch dressing (jann thinking of you on this one) 2. guacamole AND mexican food (tex mex preferably 3. Any Blue Bell Icecream 4. Any steak or chicken that my husband cooks ont he grill.

Favorite Colors:1. Red 2. Green 3. Orange

Places I would love to be now:Hmm....this one is easy.1. In Maui..... 2. in Maui.... 3. In Maui....

Names I like but would not use for my children:Haven't really thought about it. Kate is kinda special to me....


My Response to Tara

Two of my blogging friends fun items. So I thought that I would respond. I don't have many friends that blog - so each friend will be tagged on the other fun item that I received.

1. Who is your man? Steve
2. How long have you been married? Into our 5th year
3. How long dated? about 2 years
4. How old is your man? 44
5. Who eats more? Steve - but I do love to eat.
6. Who said “I love you” first? Steve :)
7. Who is taller? Steve(he's 6'5" and I'm 5'5")
8. Who sings better? depends on what type of music
9. Who is smarter? Both of us but in different ways
10. Whose temper is worse? we are lucky - we both are pretty even tempered
11. Who does the laundry? Me
12. Who takes out the garbage? Mostly Steve
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
14. Who pays the bills? Me
15. Who is better with the computer? Steve...I am an amateur
16. Who mows the lawn? Steve is the master
17. Who cooks dinner? Mostly Steve - he is the greatest cook
18. Who drives when you are together? Steve
19. Who pays when you go out? Steve
20. Who is most stubborn? Me
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me
22. Whose parents do you see the most? Both are equal now
23. Who kissed who first? We kissed each other
24. Who asked who out? We met on line and met for lunch after about 3 months of talking via the internet
25. Who proposed? Steve - just wanted to spend our lives together - proposed before I got the ring.
26. Who is more sensitive? Me for sure
27. Who has more friends? Me
28. Who has more siblings? Steve...He has two and I have one
29. Who wears the pants in the family? Definately Steve
Tag - Jann you are it.

Now for Jann's response in another Blog.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

She was a little quiet

Steve and I were busy one night and Kate was in the kitchen creating a masterpiece with fingerpaints on her easel. Little did we know that the masterpiece also included painting her face. She came around the corner saying "look at me"... we had to grab the camera and capture the moment..... Our little creative painter.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

My little cook

Well Kate received a birthday present from her "hunnie" - it was a cute pink apron with the saying "queen of the kitchen... in training". She wanted to put it on immediately and since it was very appropriate, we decided to cook pizza. She had the best time spreading the sauce, placing the pepperoni and cheese. But of course, mom dealt with the oven stuff.

She had the best time. It just makes me realize both through the pictures I took, and just how much fun she has with cooking - that she is really a little girl now and not a little baby....

Enjoy the pics of Kate in the kitchen.... Sorry this picture is rotated. I am just learning how to do all this stuff. Enjoy

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A day in the life of a mom

Well - I have truly become the mom of a toddler. My life is becoming more and more busy. Don't know if it is that Kate truly wants to do a lot more things, or that there is lots more things for her to do. Between dance class on Tuesdays - which she adores - and choir (yes, they do choir at 3 years old) on Wednesdays, it is tough keeping all of it straight and bringing things to do while she "participates" now that mom doesn't "attend" with her. It makes me realize that I am just beginning to slowly not be so essential as I was when she was little.

I certainly see that everyday should be enjoyed when it comes to having kids. Even in those times when they are really trying your last bit of patience. Then comes that smile or "i love you" or "i want my mamma". No matter how old she continues to get, she still can melt my heart. Gosh, God sure knows how to bring joy.....

Life as a mom - a trial, a joy, a journey......

Sunday, October 7, 2007

My First Blog

Well - here I go - I am joining the rest of the world and using technology to do a blog. I still have no idea what I will post here. I just know that I enjoy keeping up with my friends that live far away by reading their blogs; so, I am going to try the same. It may just be my thoughts, or updating all on how our little girl is growing.

Hope you all enjoy traveling with me.